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Illinois State Museum
The Illinois State Museum is a system of museums and galleries serving the people of Illinois. The Museums foster an appreciation of the living world, introduce the art of Illinois, open windows to education, and protect irreplaceable state treasures.

The Illinois State Museum promotes discovery, learning, and an appreciation of Illinois’ natural, cultural, and artistic heritage.
The Museum’s extensive collections and research activities provide the foundation for exhibitions and public programs that tell the story of the land, life, people, and art of Illinois. 
The Illinois State Museum is headquartered in Springfield with branch facilities throughout the state.
Dynamic Illinois Environments allows visitors to travel into the past to see how Illinois has changed and how it continues to change today.

Mon.- Sat. 8:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.; Sun. Noon-5:00 P.M.; Closed New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.

502 South Spring Street
Springfield, IL 62706-5000
tel: (217)782-7386
FAX: (217)782-1254

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